Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Long Underwear and Electric Blankets

We're keeping the thermostat VERY low this winter, and using space heaters when and where we need warmth. Hopefully it will keep the horrible electric bill within bounds.

If you are sitting in one room, space heaters work fine. If you are zipping around the house doing things, no. That's when long underwear really comes in handy. It makes me feel rather like a pioneer woman.

Preheating the bed doesn't make me feel like a pioneer woman at all - it's downright luxurious to hop into a warm, snuggly bed in a cold room with moonlight making a pattern on the floor.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Black-eyed Peas

Eating black-eyed peas on New Years Day is supposed to bring you luck, according to an old southern custom. The peas, a half an onion, chicken broth, and some left-over Christmas goose are simmering in the crock pot. We'll have it with garlic bread and salad for dinner - and we'll see about the luck part. Dessert will be blueberry oatmeal crisp.

I have been wrapping up a Christmas craft project that didn't quite make it under the wire, and my sewing machine is situated so that I look out into trees. It's spitting snow, and chickadees and nuthatches hop by occasionally. Some coffee would go well about now.

Happy new year to all.